Devlog #31

Ignas ─ February 14, 2021

After two delays, two weeks, here is the blog post! There was a lot of issues with some game breaking bugs which took a lot of time to find and fix! also some problems with remaking party system so now people dont need to register they can just create party/join party in main menu, simple, [...]

Devlog #30

Ignas ─ January 17, 2021

Guess its time to write a new devlog, to be honest, there wasnt as much things done this couple weeks, but its something AstroDud Dance Moves Been probably watching main menu screen for atleast ~10hours the past 2 weeks, testing all the things, parties, friends, rewards etc. and it always been so plane and static, [...]

Devlog #29

Ignas ─ January 3, 2021

New year, new devlog, been putting in more work on the astrodud, wanting to get all the main features done and some maps too, then moving onto mobile release and might try to do a standalone pc client as some people having low fps due to their hardware acceleration being turned off AstroDud Party So [...]

Happy new year 2021

Ignas ─ January 1, 2021

Hi you guys, happy new year, its 2021 now, hope all of you a great year, health and wealth, not let your dreams be dreams.Was kinda sad year with all the coronapocalypse, but we are here. Will be writing this blog to reflect on everything that has been done this year and all the little [...]

Devlog #28

Ignas ─ December 20, 2020

Been working on for the past 3 weeks now non-stop so will write the blog of all the material there is as its been like 3 weeks too since the last one, probably will be a different layout as its not per-day basis, will write more just what I did the individually what I [...]

Devlog #27

Ignas ─ November 29, 2020

Started week working on and didnt stop until now, after the blog I will work more on it, have some more features and maps in mind, hope to have like 10-20 maps by the end of the year Monday Fixed texts in endscreen for surival gamemode Race map fence fixed (ends were black) Finish [...]

Devlog #26 – AstroDud Launch

Ignas ─ November 20, 2020

This was astrodud’s final week, we been delaying the launch for quite some time, always been some minor problems and few major ones, but the game was pretty much done for at least a month now.But now its for sure done and ready for its ‘Alpha’ launch or whatever, there are only 2maps at the [...] – Shop

Ignas ─ November 4, 2020

Howdy partner,Wanted to inform you, that just launched a shop! Shop In shop, all etsy listings are way cheaper, faster and simpler to purchase, hoping to reach 500 listings in the shop this year and maybe 1000 next year, want to make it the best streamer art and template shop in the world! [...]

Devlog #25

Ignas ─ September 29, 2020

AstroDud Nothing to tell about this week, whole week was spent making bots/ai and they still are not done, they work now on race maps, but still didnt make the logic for honey comb, but should be done tomorrow.This is probably one of the hardest thing I have worked on in gamedev, there were so [...]

Devlog #24

Ignas ─ September 26, 2020

Monday AstroDud Player material created for less friction between ground Honeycomb networked, platform disappears and sync between all players Tuesday AstroDud Knock out synced between players now, when you get knocked out all players will see your position correctly Made fence to have no friction Ice/slippy material created for moving particle course in race0 map [...]