Devlog #27
Ignas ─ November 29, 2020Started week working on and didnt stop until now, after the blog I will work more on it, have some more features and maps in mind, hope to have like 10-20 maps by the end of the year
- Fixed texts in endscreen for surival gamemode
- Race map fence fixed (ends were black)
- Finish line trigger/hitbox more accurate
- Race endscreen’s leaderboard fixed
- Bots tweaked, when stuck they unstuck themselves (geniuses)
- Not showing videoad button in endscreen if player is not logged in
- Remade bot spawning, now it will be way better for all future’s gamemodes and maps
- Bot jumping and pushing remade, better, more accurate, tracking target etc.
- Created new race map which is “Jumping Jacks”:
- Added some explanation texts when logging in and when game ends and if not logged in to inform that astrocoins wont be saved
- Fixed not showing “E to knockout” overlay on player if you are knocked out
- Brand new survival map “Wiper Survival”:
- Fixed respawning bugs that used to throw errors when game ends
- Fixed endscreen errors
- Added twitter button back to main menu
- Improved bot system to work with wiper survival, also works better with other maps that require jumping
- Double jumping made, second jump knocks you out for 1seconds and you jump more forward
- Max players now depend on map, auto set by the amount of spawns in that map
- Created new platform for maps “Round Wiper Platform”:

- Created new map “Long Road”:
- Tweaked bot obstacle avoidance system, more accurate, less dumb
- Moved the jump in the first race map closer, easier to finish now, bots are 3x more efficient as that jump used to be 3 units long
- Created feed, shows disqualified, victory and disconnect :

- Tweaked moving obstacles
- Made moving obstacles to have a line at the bottom, to show the path of obstacle
Spent two damn day making map selection interface, was such a stupid mistake, fixed it after my workout in minutes, when before I was trying for multiple hours, feel stupid, but what you gonna do, it works: