Devlog #40 – Re-construction

Ignas ─ December 12, 2021

Last two months I been talking about new ball bouncing PVP turn based game, and now I will be talking how I post poned that and started working on new game. Thats life. What? When I was making ball game I had trouble with servers and I knew it will be a bigger scale game [...]

Devlog #39 – Ball bounce game (visuals)

Ignas ─ November 12, 2021

I mostly worked on visuals and gameplay tweaks this, not much, but the game looks way better now visually more appealing. There might be some issues still, as its hard to test a multiplayer game without a bigger player count. (more players more bugs per minute) Expect a lot of screenshots and videos, not much [...]

Devlog #38 – Ball bounce game (server stuff)

Ignas ─ October 10, 2021

So last month I have wrote about how I started new game, which is a ball bouncing PvP/PvE game, last month there was only main parts of the gameplay done, but this whole month was spent making servers for the game and database, so everything is stored in database on the profile person creates with [...]

Devlog #37 – Ball bounce game

Ignas ─ September 11, 2021

Another month passed, I have stopped working on the astrodud myself, because the other developer have been gone for 3 months now, and trying to “carry” out the project myself is a waste of time. With that note I started making new game, completely solo, as there is no one that are motivated to make [...]

Devlog #36 – AstroProgress

Ignas ─ August 11, 2021

This month I have done a lot of stuff for the astrodud, however I was the only one working on it and there havent been update nor any other features apart the ones that I did, which sucks, might move on at some point, cant carry the game alone. AstroDud Emotes I wanted to make [...]

Devlog #35 – One Month Passed

Ignas ─ July 9, 2021

Hello, so one month has passed since the last post, which will probably be like that from now on, as the weekly posts are boring af, there’s more to talk about each month then each week. All I did the whole month is work on AstroDud and brain storm for future projects game and not-game [...]

Devlog #34

Ignas ─ June 9, 2021

Its been two months, long time no see. AstroDud Reworked whole UI design The one thing I’m always unhappy with is the design of the game, its models but in most cases its the UI of the game, so I came back to the UI, tore it apart and made a new one! A better [...]

Blog #1

Ignas ─ April 23, 2021

No devlog, nothing developed, sadge. Fill-in Its been 2 weeks since anything got done for astrodud still hoping it will be updated, there are some useful features done which adds more gameplay and not a lot is left to do for it to be complete, just would like that my work and effort wouldnt be [...]

Devlog #33

Ignas ─ March 14, 2021

Not such a productive week as AstroDud development kinda slowed down a bit, but made some interfaces and a logo for another game that might not be created but.. yeah. AstroDud At the moment the only thing that was accomplished in astrodud was remaking the item system completely, making the equipment groups dynamic, different item [...]

Devlog #32

Ignas ─ February 28, 2021

Still streaming from monday to friday on twitch come hang 🙂 AstroDud This week have worked more on customizations and reworked the gameplay completely, which was a bit pain in the ass, but managed to do it in a week, still some things to do for the update but it should be within a month, [...]