Devlog #22
Ignas ─ August 29, 2020Life is sad, nothing changed in that sense this week, just worked more on the new game AstroDud , made enough progress, not enough to make me satisfied, but its something, will try to have it up and running in a week, max 2 weeks
- Modeled ‘AstroCoin’ which is the currency of the game, in short it’s A-Coin, get it ? ok here how it looks:

- Made flying propeller obstacle, its a propeller that spins in air and players need to time it to go pass, pretty self explanatory:

- Fixed lightings, spent whole day making it look good because appears android cant have linear colors it has to be gamma, so changed majority of coloring which took out my whole day
- Added particles to cannon
- Added sound for cannon when it shoots
- Added ball bouncing sound, knock out/falling sound, puff/jumping sound
- Made hexagone have a recovery parameter, so it would be possible to make maps with temporary platforms and they re-appear after some time
- Made hexagone able to be locked and called from outside, so like if there are any buttons players can press it would toggle certain doors etc.
- Made finish line and end line
- Made finish arch model with game title in the middle:

- Made balls textures, they will have different textures so it would be more colorful, there are 3 options right now:

- Made message when game starts which tells the game mode and tells whats the goal:

- Made countdown, like 3, 2, 1, go
- Finished moving obstacles on the ground model, its like a weird palm tree, I guess:

- Added timer on top of the screen, so there will be timed games etc.
- Made settings dialog:

- Made simple win/lose announcement interface:

- Main menu interface made:

- Transition animation made between scenes:
- Removed outlines from shader so it would look slicker
- Coded interface so it would be possible to display users astrocoin amount, to logout, change name and when you login first time to set name in the same window but without the closing button so its necessary
- Joystick/Mobile controls:

- Searching for game simple interface in main menu
- Added sound effect to button clicking
- “Woosh” sound effect to transition between scenes
- BG music added, simple cartoony galaxy themed
- Made new map “Honeycomb” which is based on disapearing honeycomb shaped platforms which recover after some time:
- Updates/News dialog window, which fetches text file information from the web and displays it properly on the interface
- Made game end screen, after the match is over:

Spent whole day rethinking networking stuff with the game, we cant predict physics in unity which makes it hella complicated, no wonder why indies dont make multiplayer physics games haha