Devlog #14
Ignas ─ June 22, 2020Stopped using SourceTree, it’s the trashiest git client I have ever come to, never using it again, it caused so many struggles and internal pain, whoever develops it, stop, ok.. Using GitAhead from now on, simple, doesnt lag like a bitch, commiting works like it should 🙏
- Bank resources loading and saving (forgot to do when was doing bank)
- Death screen animation:
- Settings dialog
- Login dialog
- Leaderboard dialog
- Made so when you in bank it hides windows beneath (solves few issues, works better with ads)
- Bank fixed withdrawn and deposit interface updating
- Main menu left (update side) and right (ad banner)
- Change username dialog
- First time logged in (set the name) ui

- Warpgate particles create only on client
- Remade droid mining info, now it shows how fast its mined per second
- Player particles create only on client
- Convoy boosters create only on client
- Audio sources create only on client
- Droid care center fixes
- Remade indicators a bit, now they held as a child objects in IndicatorsParent object, also they are now being removed when warping, to give you that empty space feel
- LevelUp animation made:
- When health is below 50% ships speed decreases by 25% (also theres a visual smoke from the back engine effect)
- When you get hit, waypoint appears for 3 seconds
- When convoy dies it greys out and only is destroyed when no one sees it
- Created blueprint item, will be used for buildings, its not learnable, you need to have it in inventory for it to take effect
- Buildings scriptable objects, 2 types (building, turret and resource harvester)
- Remade max resources to be individual for each resource type
- Created new item “resource space box” which increases resource max capacity when held in inventory