Devlog #23



  • Animations for the character
  • Spawn points are found in the map and held in server to spawn players, when spawning checks for a free spawn point
  • When player is outside the map he will be respawned
  • Nametags added, your controlling player will have an arrow pointing down
  • Collisions for side walls and ramps
  • Synchronized cannon shooting script, so particles and animations happens on all clients



  • Countdown to game start made (synchronized around all time zones)
  • Timer made, for the max time of game (after it finished, game ends, everyone who hasnt won loses game)
  • Dying made, so when you finish you technically die, when you jump out of map and its lava you die too, your player is destroyed, all the players wont see you, colliders removed
  • Spectating mode – when you die you will enter spectate mode, and will be able to watch other players, switch between the players, works on mobile and on pc, pc has keys Q/E to switch between and mobile has buttons



  • When player dies/reaches finish – it will have explosion particle so it wouldnt look weird when it disappears
  • Made parameter for game controller of how many players can finish, if the... Continue Reading

Devlog #22

Life is sad, nothing changed in that sense this week, just worked more on the new game AstroDud , made enough progress, not enough to make me satisfied, but its something, will try to have it up and running in a week, max 2 weeks



  • Modeled ‘AstroCoin’ which is the currency of the game, in short it’s A-Coin, get it ? ok here how it looks:
  • Made flying propeller obstacle, its a propeller that spins in air and players need to time it to go pass, pretty self explanatory:
  • Fixed lightings, spent whole day making it look good because appears android cant have linear colors it has to be gamma, so changed majority of coloring which took out my whole day



  • Added particles to cannon
  • Added sound for cannon when it shoots
  • Added ball bouncing sound, knock out/falling sound, puff/jumping sound
  • Made hexagone have a recovery parameter, so it would be possible to make maps with temporary platforms and they re-appear after some time
  • Made hexagone able to be locked and called from outside, so like if there are any buttons players can press it would toggle certain doors etc.
  • Made finish... Continue Reading

Devlog #21

Took a little break from and started making a small ‘little’ game inspired by Fall Guys, which will be browser based, free, not a copy of fall guys, a simpler version.



Me and my friend that im making games with, come up with an idea about the game like fall guys, being all troll-ish like and free also available on browser and went from idea and wondering about it to making it, escalated really fast.

So at this point we are making the game, I mean we just started but yeah..



Today I have purchased assets for the game, which arent much just a model(player) and a shader(which dont know yet if I like)

Here is how the player looks with the paid shader and without

Left is with shader right is without the shader
I guess the one with shader looks better haha, never compared them side to side



Spent whole tuesday playing around with the models, shapes and concepts.

Today made the physics, falling, ragdoll-ish type of thing, it was ragdoll at first but then brainstormed around the networking aspect of the game and the fact that it will be on browser and low end phones... Continue Reading

Devlog #20

Took about a week off from August 3rd to 10th, had to think about something, continued tweaking but as the game becomes more and more finished, there is less and less to write about that would be at least somewhat interesting.



  • Fixed damage pop text, that shows the damage, state of the hit, there was an issue when you shoot, you go behind the object you shot, but text still appears like its in front, so just had to use WorldToSpace thingys and solved it.
  • Convoys now travel to small blackholes that appear randomly in space, convoy shrinks when its close to blackhole and then its gone.
  • Made building limits per building, so you can have only X amount of that building built on the planet.



  • Fixed to remove planets wave countdown when planet is ‘given up’
  • Made so that when you place building on the planet, that building unselects so you wouldnt miss place two buildings instead of one
  • Made collision detection when building, so it checks if it overlaps the rectangle of other building and if it does it wont allow you to build it ofcourse
  • Made PlanetInfoRequesting, only owner sees it, it contains info like regeneration... Continue Reading

Devlog #19

World gets sadder each day, still trying to work on the game, cant look forward to future, because I dont see the future anymore, just now.



  • Bulding menu finished up, made so that buildings would cost resources and added correct icons of the buildings, also the icon of the buildings shows up on the building inspect window also it has the correct color of the building too.



  • Made building camera system, when you enter building mode for the planet, camera moves on to the planet, you can rotate around the planet, put down the buildings, when you exit building ui it goes back to your ship.



  • Made NPC destruction reward, also it rewards now for the destruction of convoy’s, it works for most done to destroy and you wont get anything if you dont shoot the convoy for 30seconds, it also gives random loot to everyone, with chances lowering to get more stuff.



  • “Give UP Planet” button to give the planet away, you will lose everything on it, but you will be able to claim another planet after that.
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Devlog #18

Was quite hard week mentally, didnt accomplish a lot, main fact being that is coming to the publishing line and all it needs is tweaks, changing values and what not, which isnt as fun, and takes some time and feels exhausting to do, but after its done, it will be release and should begin working on a new project which wont take this many months to do.



  • Made different NPC types so now there is 3 different enemies npcs, small ship, bigger ship and a fighter ship, all of them will be used for planet attacking
  • Made so that npc’s have different material (dark/red colored)
  • Turret updated, added new turret version which is snipet turret, it has 2x the distance of normal turret and half the firerate
  • Tweaked alerts to be visible at all times
  • Planet building updated, now planets cost money to build them.
  • Added 4 different droids so one for each resource type


Launched , now it can be accessed for everyone, all I got to say is dont use xsolla, its pain in the ass, went with simple paypal payment implementation, which took me half of the day, when xsolla was weeks of work, and they... Continue Reading

Devlog #17

This week was a week off a bit, needed to reflect on all the content and stuff I make and should make, no video devlog too, streamed only ~8hours, from now on I will try to stream at least 5hours a day, atleast 5 days a week, hoping to avg. about 30hours a week of streaming, and thinking about making simple tutorials for people, nothing too advances as there are better people that does those.This week will be the finishing stuff for like making more droids, npcs, finishing up ui, icons etc. Will test it out, play it out, find some bugs maybe(probably).



  • XP boost made, so there will be a happy hour each day, which will increase XP gain by 25%
  • Made that exp log on left side of crosshair would update like resources do, so if the newest message is xp message it would just update it instead of adding another one
  • Resource harvester particle effects done
  • When npc is destroyed it will explode for that slick look that it wouldnt just dissapear
  • Buildings upgrades changes buildings color



  • Particle bug fix, which was needed for synchronizing buildings particle effects, for ex: turret shooting creates laser particle,... Continue Reading

Devlog #16

Received nice feedback on the devlog, which is great and gives me more motivation to not just make devlogs but to work on a game in general to have more to show off, which is great, also managed to stream 5 days this week, which is ~18 hours in total, not a lot, my goal is atleast 30 a week, but getting there slowly but surely, the thing is I got stuck on the game, on what to do next, which caused streams being shorter.



  • Fixed droid hovering issue when you would send droid to planet and it wouldnt comeback
  • Tweaked droid info panel resource color
  • Fixed blackhole hit detection, when you hit blackhole and you own that planet it says “hit” and if you dont then its “block”
  • Wave counter slider, which shows up when you own a planet, and tells which wave is currently started or how much time until the next wave
  • Created wave start/end UI animation on top, so it notifies the person about the waves



  • Tweaked droid to also have material on it, so each droid will have different material on it instead of changing colors
  • Tweaked planet info ui to appear on position... Continue Reading

Devlog #15

Started daily streaming, making devlog videos on youtube channel, I also upload the VOD’s of streams there



  • Made buildings have scriptable objects, so it holds the base info of the buildings, such as : prefab, price, name, max health and limit(of how many these buildings can be on single planet)
  • Buildings database class, which just holds every building scriptable object, so it would be possible to loop trough them runtime to display what buildings there is to build in interface
  • inventory controller hasblueprint function to check if you have the blueprint for that specific building
  • remade max resources completely, which now has seperate limits per resource type
  • Resource space box item created, it increases specific resources type capacity

Common Resource Space Box

Uncommon Resource Space Box

Rare Resource Space Box

Mythic Resource Space Box


Worked a lot on, had some problems with xsolla, managed to fix them now all I need to wait is for the verification, then I should be able to release it.

I came upon a problem... Continue Reading

Devlog #14

Stopped using SourceTree, it’s the trashiest git client I have ever come to, never using it again, it caused so many struggles and internal pain, whoever develops it, stop, ok.. Using GitAhead from now on, simple, doesnt lag like a bitch, commiting works like it should 🙏



  • Bank resources loading and saving (forgot to do when was doing bank)


  • Death screen animation:
  • Settings dialog
  • Login dialog
  • Leaderboard dialog



  • Made so when you in bank it hides windows beneath (solves few issues, works better with ads)
  • Bank fixed withdrawn and deposit interface updating


  • Main menu left (update side) and right (ad banner)
  • Change username dialog
  • First time logged in (set the name) ui



  • Warpgate particles create only on client
  • Remade droid mining info, now it shows how fast its mined per second
  • Player particles create only on client
  • Convoy boosters create only on client
  • Audio sources create only on client



  • Droid care center fixes
  • Remade indicators a bit, now they held as a child objects in IndicatorsParent object, also they are now being removed when warping, to give you that empty space feel


  • LevelUp animation made:

